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Just a short walk from Arncliffe, Littondale, there's Scoska Cave.

It's a bit of a trek to get to, up the steep climb. There's no path up and you are climbing against the water coming out of the hill side, which forms Gildersbank Sike below. Even after a long dry spell, the climb was muddy and slippery under foot. So do take care if you are visiting.

You can walk a fair bit into Scoska cave upright, but on wobbly stones. I didn't venture far in as I had the mutt with me. You can hear me going out of the cave, but who is that coming back, a troll or me walking towards the Zoom H2n Microphone near the end?

The remains of a 1500-2000 old woman was found about 100 years ago inside. Along with a Roman coin. More information here :

Bonus track: As we were climbing down from the cave, the farmer across the valley started to feed his sheep. Sounded like it was late this morning, as they all had something to say. Sorry for the handling noise, but I was standing on a muddy cliff side, trying to hold the dog and not to fall over. While recording this before they stopped complaining about the table service :)


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