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Well that hit me harder than I was expecting.

These brave people gave it all for us. Because today we are seeing nutters – whom they fought and laid their life to protect us from – talking utter nonsense again.

I don’t want to go back to that dark part of history.

When you go home, tell them of us and say, For your tomorrows these gave their today.

Simonides of Ceos

My granddad managed to escape to Sweden, because of a tip off from a kind neighbour, who had seen the German police coming down their street. As they walked in through the front door, he left – his wife and newborn baby – through the back door.

In Sweden he joined the Den Danske Brigade i Sverige (Danish Brigade in Sweden). After the war he became a guard at one of the prison camps for the German Soldiers left in Denmark. He then walked with them to the border, when they returned home.


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