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We spend the Christmas period at a dog shelter in Southern Spain. I put the H2n microphone up over night on Christmas evening from around 21:00 through to nearly 9:00 in the morning on Christmas day. There's never really a quite time doing the night, you can really understand why these poor dogs are so stressed. When I picked up the microphone the "dead cat" was all forzen up, luckly no damage to to the mic. But the dogs had and well spend all winter in open air dog shelter, where nights do get very cold, even if the days are a nice pleasant temperature.

I also recorded a the afternoon session at the shelter, where I cleaned up the kennels for around 12 dogs and 5 puppies in one section, feed then and took some of them for small walk. You can also hear the neighbouring section's dogs as their play area was right next to the kennels I was in.

If you can please donate to your nearest animal shelter either money or time, the teams and the dogs really need all the help they can get.


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