To the rescue
We spend the Christmas period at a dog shelter in Southern Spain. I put the H2n microphone up over night on Christmas evening from around 21:00 through to nearly 9:00 in the morning on Christmas day. There's…
We spend the Christmas period at a dog shelter in Southern Spain. I put the H2n microphone up over night on Christmas evening from around 21:00 through to nearly 9:00 in the morning on Christmas day. There's…
Waves hitting the sore and blowing trough a blowhole. Yesterday they were much louder, but my "deadcat" can't keep the strong wind at bay, heck the Zoom H2n would have been blown into the sea. I removed…
Sunday morning in Morella, Spain. The tourist mingles with the locals whom are either drinking coffee at the cafes or shopping at the market stalls. Your browser does not support the audio tag.
Woke up just as it started to rain and packed my tent down before it got too wet. As I went to our tarp we had set up the night before in case it would rain. Your browser does not support the audio tag. I…
Evening camp on Black Islands in Loch Awe, Scotland. Nice and relaxing sit around the campfire while listening to the waves in the background. Sadly we can hear on the recording the traffic on the mainland…
Paddled out to the island of Inishail in Loch Awe where the ruins of Chapel of St Fyndoca and a wee graveyard still is still in use. The story goes that it was used because wolves dug up the graves on…
Woke up early when the "locals" started to talk again. A flock of Canada Geese, had made the Black Islands their home. Every few hours they had a row. Since it was such a beautiful morning you had to get…
Spend a brilliant long weekend with https://www.howlbushcraft.com/, canoeing and camping on Loch Awe in Scotland. This recording is with the JRF Contact Microphone put unto the hull of the canoe as we…
I woke up at 5am and when I noticed how beautiful it was, I just had to go for a fresh dip in Loch Awe. Sadly blue-green algae was at the other locations where there was a chance for another swim. Your…
My grandmother used to turn on the tap in the bathroom just on a trickle, to get me go potty, when I was little. Last night we had a gentle spot of rain. As the water running down the roof slats into the…
Nice little walk around and below Ashgill Force. I wonder how noisy it would be down in this gorge when the water is really roaring. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Bonus: I have been playing…
This is an attempt to put a bit of light humour into the horrid time we are living trough. With the constant announcement that air raid sirens, that are going of in towns and cities in Ukraine. I'm reminded…
John Cage composed the 4'33" in 1952, a three-movement composition, which is often introduced as - four minutes thirty-three seconds of silence. I didn't really know about it, other than some people have…
On the ferry, named Eileanan Innse Gall, back from a week on the beautiful Isle of Arran. Enjoyed the view of the island from the ferry while listing to the drone of the engines. Your browser does not…