Driving to mum
Every time we drive over to mum, aka Tilley‘s favourite person. Your browser does not support the audio tag. At about half a mile away from the door, we go thru a roundabout. This is the starting point,…
Every time we drive over to mum, aka Tilley‘s favourite person. Your browser does not support the audio tag. At about half a mile away from the door, we go thru a roundabout. This is the starting point,…
Was moaning a bit when our dog woke me up at 4:40am for a nature call. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Couldn’t really get angry with her, as I got to hear and see this, even though my bed…
Our rescue dog from Dogs Trust playing with Ruby the rescue dog, yes that is them making these sounds, went on for hours. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Tilley is the one making the high…
I have never had a dog that dreams as much at Tilley does. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Each evening at least 2-3 times and in the night I often get woken up either by her barking or running…
We were cycling the Queen Charlotte trail in NZ. Every morning we got woken up to this. Kicked off at about 3:30am and by 4:15am it was at a fever pitch, with no chance of falling back asleep. Some of…
This soundscape does have a loud, sharp, piercing sound in it, so please turn your volume down before playing.* Your browser does not support the audio tag. This was a bit of surreal experience. This…